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The project was completed along with my twin sister Hilde Rognskog in 1991. An apartment building in Arupsgate 8. in Oslo was demolished as early as in 1968 because it was decaying and the infamy of the neighborhood. Despite the fact that the site was zoned for residential purposes, it was used as a car park. Scientific, the plot is very interesting too because it can provide important answers to questions about medieval buildings in the area, according to Directorate of Cultural Heritage, where the case has been until now. Three car wrecks were taken from "Brødrene London" and two trucks arrived with blue clay which we covered over the cars.


Prosjektet ble gjennomførte sammen med min tvillingsøster Hilde Rognskog i 1991. En bygård i Arupsgate 8. i Oslo ble revet så tidlig som i 1968 fordi det var forfallent og til skjensel for nabolaget. Til tross for at tomten var regulert til boligformål ble den benyttet som parkeringsplass. Vitenskapelig er tomten meget interessant for fordi den kan gi sentrale svar på spørsmål om middelalderbebyggelse i området i følge riksantikvaren, og der har saken ligget. Materiale: Bilvrak og blåleire

© 2014 Heidi Rognskog Mella 

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